Dental Veneers
The procedure involves very little or no anesthesia and is often used to aesthetically enhance the look of the front teeth. Dental Veneers help to hide discolorations by brightening the teeth and beautifying your smile.
Dental veneers are a potential solution to help you with some cosmetic dentistry issues. Individuals who have chipped teeth, badly shaped teeth or gaps between their teeth often choose dental veneers.
Dr. Bainer’s practice in Escondido offers a variety of dental veneer options to choose from. Please contact us for a free consultation to learn what is best for you.
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Our Promise to You
The Smile Gallery practices the Art of Fine Dentistry. We work to ensure our patients have the most relaxed and comfortable experience possible. Our individualized patient attention means you receive the best care possible. Our friendly staff is ready to greet you warmly, set you at ease, and create a level of comfort and customer service rarely seen in the dental industry.
We understand patients who have dental anxiety and have been working for years to provide the safe, comfortable environment that makes you want to see your Escondido dentist a few times a year or anytime your teeth need dental services.