How to Care for Swollen Gums

The gums are a structure in the mouth, and they are essential to good oral health. They are composed of firm, fibrous, pink tissue that is full of blood vessels.

Swelling of the gums is a common issue with several potential causes. There are ways to treat this problem. As with any medical problem, if the swelling lasts longer than a few days or is painful, you should see your dental health practitioner and schedule an exam

The best way to treat swollen gums is usually dependent on the cause. If the swelling started after switching to a new mouthwash or toothpaste, you might have a sensitivity or possibly an allergy to one or more of the ingredients. In this case going back to your previous brand can help resolve the issue. Sometimes the swelling could be a side effect of a prescribed medication. Talk to your doctor to see if he or she can prescribe you an alternative.

Your diet could also be to blame. A vitamin C deficiency is another common cause for swollen gum tissue. Ensuring that you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables each day can help with your intake of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals. The primary cause of this malady is gingivitis which is directly related to ineffective flossing and brushing. Proper cleaning and care of the mouth are imperative to having healthy teeth and gums.

In addition to speaking with your dentist, make sure that you carefully and gently floss and clean your teeth when your gums are swollen to prevent the problem from worsening. You can also use a rinse of warm water and salt to help reduce bacteria and improve circulation. Avoid anything irritating to your mouth and gums such as carbonated beverages, tobacco products, or alcohol.

Swollen gums can be irritating and painful. This problem can lead to more serious issues so taking appropriate care of your oral health is essential. If you do not see any improvement in a few days or are in pain, you should call your dentist to schedule an appointment.